
More in Common took shape from work undertaken since 2016 to understand why so many societies were dividing around debates about their identity and belonging, and why people were being increasingly persuaded to see debates about immigration, refugees and diversity through the lens of ‘us-versus-them’. Since then, we have broadened our research agenda and incorporated several layers of social psychology research to provide a deeper analysis of the different factors contributing to polarization and social fracturing.

More in Common’s published studies of public attitudes in several European countries and the United States are already regarded as among the most insightful and actionable analyses of public opinion. Our team also published papers on polarization, social media and the psychology of political behavior.

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Attitudes Towards National Identity, Immigration, and Refugees in Germany

July 2017

Germans remain among the most supportive populations of immigration in Europe. Yet, many Germans hold mixed views about the integration of refugees into German society, especially concerning those from Muslim backgrounds. How will German society appeal to its historical sense of responsibility towards people seeking protection from conflict?

Americans' Attitudes toward Social Media

January 0001

More in Common explores Americans' attitudes about the societal effects of social media, their attitudes towards government regulation, and their own personal experiences using social media.