
More in Common took shape from work undertaken since 2016 to understand why so many societies were dividing around debates about their identity and belonging, and why people were being increasingly persuaded to see debates about immigration, refugees and diversity through the lens of ‘us-versus-them’. Since then, we have broadened our research agenda and incorporated several layers of social psychology research to provide a deeper analysis of the different factors contributing to polarization and social fracturing.

More in Common’s published studies of public attitudes in several European countries and the United States are already regarded as among the most insightful and actionable analyses of public opinion. Our team also published papers on polarization, social media and the psychology of political behavior.

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Climate policy with a human face

May 2024

Polish women and men declare their support for climate-friendly policies and promise themselves benefits that go beyond the climate and environment. At the same time, they are extremely critical of the European Green Deal. In our report, we try to resolve this paradox.

The mood before the European elections

May 2024

What do people in Germany think about the EU and what issues concern them? We conducted research on this in Germany and together with our country teams and experts in France, Poland and Spain.

From Callac to Crépol: the countryside at the heart of identity battles

April 2024

In a unique qualitative study, “From Callac to Crépol: the countryside at the heart of identity battles”, the think tank Destin Commun analyses the construction of the relationship to violence in rural areas, and the reception of the strategies of the far-right identity within the local population. Through a series of focus groups bringing together residents of municipalities with fewer than 15,000 inhabitants, as well as individual interviews with stakeholders from Callac (Côtes d'Armor) and Saint-Brévin (Loire-Atlantique), this new study highlights the striking contrast between what is felt by residents as a real mental burden of violence, and the almost excessive tranquility that characterises these areas.

Mayoral races are no longer simply a proxy for national politics

April 2024

New polling and focus group research on the upcoming Mayoral elections in the North East, West Midlands, East Midlands and Greater Manchester Combined Authorities

Backfire: Culture Wars and the General Election R

April 2024

New briefing paper from More in Common for 38 Degrees exploring the risks of culture war tactics in the lead up to the general election

Europe Talks Flying

April 2024

New report drawing on polling and focus group research in the UK, France, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands and Spain exploring how the public navigate the challenge of reducing aviation emissions

Mature and assertive

April 2024

In the report "Mature and Assertive" we analyze the opinions of Poles towards the European Union. We show that established pro-European attitudes on the one hand and ambivalent and critical assessments of current EU policies on the other should encourage the government to adopt a constructive assertive attitude towards the EU.

Europe Votes

March 2024

On June 6-9 2024, more than 400 million citizens of the European Union will be called upon to vote in the European parliament elections. While these elections are not capturing the public’s imagination, they are nonetheless decisive. With key issues such as Ukraine, climate, migration and democracy on the ballot, the results will be vitally important to the future of Europe.

The Story of Civics among American Adults

March 2024

As part of National Civics Learning Week, More in Common released findings from an online focus-group type activity with over 100 American adults. The findings indicate that while most American adults consider themselves reasonably well-informed about civics, they primarily engage in civics learning through solitary activities such as reading the news. It is far less common for Americans to talk about civics in group settings or to participate in civic learning activities in their communities.

Finding a Balance

March 2024

How to ensure Equality, Diversity and Inclusion is for everyone